In the course of their lives, parasites release large amounts of toxins. These substances are the strongest allergens. When parasites appear in the body, a person develops itching, hives and skin rash.
It is believed that the waste products of various parasites are the most powerful allergens. If the patient is allergic to dust, wormwood, pets, then the risk of developing anaphylactic shock is high.
If allergic reactions occur, the person should undergo complex medical treatment. It is produced with the help of new generation antihistamines. Even drug therapy is supplemented with immunomodulatory, anthelmintic and multivitamin preparations.
What types of parasites cause allergies

Allergies and parasites are closely related. Giardia is the most common cause of allergic reactions in humans. These worms belong to the class of protozoa. Giardia enters the body along with poorly processed foods.
Another person can become infected if they have been in contact with parasite carriers. The most common carriers of Giardia are insects and cockroaches. Also, a person can become infected with Lyabmlia if he eats raw fish.
Different types of helminths can also cause allergies. These include roundworms, whipworms, toxocara, opisthorchiasis and echinococci. These parasites enter the body if a person eats poorly processed meat or fish. Also, the cause of helminth infestation can be non-compliance with hygiene rules and the use of raw chicken eggs.
Doctors say that if a person has allergies, the parasites have already begun to multiply. Allergy symptoms may not appear immediately after the invasion. The severity of the clinical manifestations will depend on the location of the parasites. For example, the intensity of allergic reactions increases if the parasites have settled in the intestines, bronchi or pancreas.
Parasites that cause allergies lead to reduced immunity. This is due to the fact that the products of their vital activity are transported into the body along with the blood. Parasites often cause secondary infections and autoimmune diseases.
It has been found that when parasites appear in the gastrointestinal tract, the production of certain enzymes is inhibited.
As a result, a person develops immune deficiency. In this case, allergic reactions may even be accompanied by hair loss.
How does allergy manifest itself in parasitosis
What are the symptoms of worm infestation? Worm allergies can manifest in different ways. It will all depend on the type of worm and the individual characteristics of the person.
Doctors say that allergy to parasites manifests itself in the same way as allergy to wormwood, pets or drugs. The first signs of an allergic reaction:
- eczema.
- Itching. It can be paroxysmal in nature, that is, it disappears from time to time.
- Skin peeling. Usually the skin of the face or limbs is flaky.
- Swelling. This symptom develops if a person has a predisposition to develop allergic reactions.

With untimely relief of allergies, the patient develops bronchospasm. This is a serious danger to life. If you do not give emergency help to a person, he may suffocate.
Eczema, itching and other signs of an allergic reaction may disappear over time. In addition to these symptoms, a person has a sharp decrease in body weight. Some types of helminths, such as Giardia, on the other hand, lead to overweight.
Even with allergic reactions, a person has bad breath. This indicates that the parasites have led to the development of pathologies of the digestive tract. It is very likely that the pH level in the stomach has changed. If you do not take emergency measures, the patient may develop chronic gastritis or diabetes.
If the patient does not tolerate wormwood and other allergens, then in helminthic invasions the intensity of clinical manifestations increases significantly. In this case, a severe allergic reaction develops, which is accompanied by symptoms such as:
- chills. Accompanied by general malaise. As a rule, the patient experiences drowsiness and loss of strength.
- Rising body temperature. With the development of severe allergic reactions, body temperature rises to 40 degrees.
- Intoxication. Manifested as dyspeptic phenomena. The patient usually experiences vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea. These symptoms are accompanied by paroxysmal cutting pain in the abdomen.
- Red rash. Covers the entire surface of the skin.
If you do not stop a severe allergic reaction, then the patient develops an asthma attack. There is also a high probability of developing various side effects. It has been found that the risk of progression of chronic allergies is significantly increased in helminth infestations.
In addition, there is a possibility of developing autoimmune and neurological diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies

If symptoms of helminth infestations occur, it is recommended that you undergo a thorough examination. You must first pass a stool test. If a parasite is found in the stool, the doctor immediately selects the appropriate medication.
Sometimes larvae are not found in the feces. In this case, the patient must take a general blood test. With its help it is easier to diagnose the disease. If a person has parasites in the body, then the tests show an increased number of eosinophils and accelerated ESR. If necessary, diagnostic measures are supplemented by ultrasound and X-ray examination.
The physician should then review the patient's medical history and select the appropriate medications. Initially, symptomatic treatment is given. It is necessary to stop allergic reactions. To get rid of allergies, you can use antihistamines.
The duration of taking such funds is from 1 to 14 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.
After removing the parasites from the human body, immunomodulatory drugs and multivitamin complexes are prescribed. They are needed to minimize the risk of disease recurrence and strengthen the immune system.